We love nature, but realized that when trying to bring nature into our modern homes, they were grown in unnatural environments, with pots made from plastic and other synthetic materials. We wanted a pot for our plants that allowed them to Grow Easily in Nature, so Alphapot was born!
Made from food waste to grow nature, Alphapot is 100% biodegradable, 100% Food Waste Fiber+ Vege Starch + Emulsion, 0% plastic(PP,PET...), helping to reduce and repurpose food waste in a more beautiful way.
Alphapot is designed with a round base to hold a plant from a standard 4 inch pot, and the square opening feature allows for pots to be interconnected. The engravings around the base area of the pot enables Alphapot to decompose back into nature more efficiently.
不產生廢棄物的同時更減少了廚餘垃圾。Alphapot盆栽是我們重新定義廚餘、並將其轉化為創新材料的第一步,加上獨特的設計,提供植物生長最好的環境! Alphapot盆栽採用圓形底座設計,方便直接把3-4吋植物放入種植,方形的開口設計讓每個Alphapot可以相互組合。底部側邊的刻線減少壁厚,讓Alphapot能夠更有效地分解回歸大自然。

Any kind of waste created is a burden on our environment, putting a strain on already precious resources, including water, land, and energy.
We often take food for granted and never think twice about our consumption behaviours, but food waste in particular is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, as it typically ends up in landfills or is sent to incinerators, contributing to global warming and climate change. The vicious cycle that is created from the food that we waste each day is astonishing.
我們經常把食物視為理所當然,很少在消費前三思而後行。但你知道嗎? 廚餘是造成溫室氣體排放的主要來源之一! 食物被丟棄後最終將進行掩埋或送至焚化爐,間接產生溫室氣體,導致全球暖化及氣候變遷。每天不間斷的食物廢棄惡性循環將導致你我無法想像的後果。

What if food waste could be turned into something useful? We believe that more can be done with the food waste created.
Food waste is given a new life when sent to the repurposing factory instead of landfills or incinerators. After going through the processes of mixing, drying, and pressing, a new biodegradable material is born, transforming the vicious food waste cycle into a virtuous one.
100% Food Waste Fiber+ Vege Starch + Emulsion, 0% plastic(PP,PET...) 0% bio-plastic(PLA).
如果我們能將廚餘視為一種資源而不僅是問題呢? 我們相信面對廚餘問題,可以有更積極的做法。我們把原本將被運到掩埋場或焚化爐的廚餘轉送到再生工廠,經過攪拌、烘乾及特殊的壓制成型,創新的廚餘再生可分解材料就此誕生,將廚餘的惡性循環翻轉為積極地正向循環。

Zero waste created and reducing food waste at the same time! Alphapot is our first step in turning waste into a resource, in using food waste as a material, we hope to let design and nature take care of your plants.
Alphapot is designed with a round base to hold a plant from a standard 4 inch pot, and the square opening feature allows for pots to be interconnected. The engravings around the base area of the pot enables Alphapot to decompose back into nature more efficiently.
不產生廢棄物的同時更減少了廚餘垃圾。Alphapot盆栽是我們重新義廚餘、並將其轉化為創新材料的第一步,加上獨特的設計,提供植物生長最好的環境! Alphapot盆栽採用圓形底座設計,方便直接把3-4吋植物放入種植,方形的開口設計讓每個Alphapot可以相互組合。底部側邊的刻線減少壁厚,讓Alphapot能夠更有效地分解回歸大自然。

Alphapot is designed to hold water in a corner reservoir of the pot and together with a wick system that extends into the reservoir, your plant will draw just the right amount of water needed to feed itself. This self-watering system works for any type of plant, taking the worries off your shoulders and giving you the green thumb you’ve always wanted, just remember to keep the Alphapot reservoir full.

The name Alphapot is taken from the words “alpha - the first” and "alphabet - the basic elements in a system which combine to form complex entities.”
Each Alphapot is a basic element, designed with modularity, and can be combined together in endless ways to build an oasis for any kind of space. The more the merrier to create your personal garden.
Alphapot盆栽取名自Alpha及Alphabet - 分別代表創新及字母、基本元素之意。Alphapot特殊的模組化設計更讓她們可以相互組合、延伸,在不同的空間 + 你的創意,組合出屬於你自己的創意綠洲!

Alphapot is made to be directly transplanted into the soil when your plant outgrows the pot, and since it is made from food waste, it is 100% biodegradable and becomes nutrients for your plant to grow as it breaks down in the soil. Taken from nature and returned to nature!
植物就像小盆友一樣,不知不覺就漸漸長大到需要換盆的時候。Alphapot盆栽由100%天然可分解廚餘所製成,你只需要把Alphapot埋入於土壤中,便能逐漸分解並轉為營養提供給植物! 取自自然,回歸自然。Alphapot盆栽讓你更有意義地享受種植及永續生活的樂趣!